March 19, the Moon will be Very Close to Earth Sunday, March 6, 2011 | nature
{On March 19, 2011, the Moon will be located very close to Earth. The shortest distance in the last 18 years. On that date, the moon will be within 356,577 kilometers from Earth. Previously, the closest distance to Earth's Moon is 363,104 kilometers. Closest distance to Earth's Moon is known as the "lunar perigee." At this time, the moon will appear larger than usual. The opposite of the lunar perigee is the lunar apogee. At that time, the moon is at the farthest distance with the Earth. At perigee, the moon appears larger than about 14 percent at apogee. Climate bother? Prediction closeness Moon will disturb the Earth's climate patterns emerge. However, scientists are not sure with the prediction. "There will be no earthquake or volcano eruption associated with the lunar perigee," said Pete Wheeler of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy. "The effect is most simply a higher tide and low tide is lower. But it's not a big thing," he added. Several major disasters have occurred at the time was the lunar perigree, such as hurricanes in New England, USA, in 1938 or flood Hunter Valley, Australia in 1955. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 also occurred when the position of the Moon close to Earth. Astronomer David Reneke denied that the events triggered by the position of the Moon. "All the incidents could be linked with the position of heavenly bodies ... comets, planets, the sun," he said. (Source: Lunar Planner,
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